Forest plot using different models

We will here use the dessin_forest_models function in the Data & Functions page.
Download Forest_autom.R

# Libraries
library(forestplot) # version 3.1.1

# Data used

# Different models to plot
mod1 <- coxph(Surv(time,status>0) ~ trt, data=pbc)
mod2 <- coxph(Surv(time,status>0) ~ trt+age, data=pbc)
mod3 <- coxph(Surv(time,status>0) ~ trt+age+sex, data=pbc)

dessin_forest_models function


vect_models, vector of model names to be displayed (example: c(‘mod1’, ‘mod2’))
         - if it is a multivariate model, only the estimate of the first variable will be displayed
         - accepted models: coxph, svycoxph, glm, svyglm
vecnoms = NULL, vector of the names you want to give to the different models.
name_col_var = "Variable", desired column name with variables.
name_col_mean = "HR (95%CI)", desired column name with estimates.
zero = 1, where we want to put the zero of the forest plot.
pos_graphique = 3, can be equal to 1, 2, 3 or 4, localisation of the graph
IC = TRUE, TRUE: displays the CI in the column with the estimate.
digit = 2, to round off the estimate and its confidence interval. = 1, confidence interval thickness.
clip, allows to choose the upper and lower limits of the x-axis.
         - by default: from minimum HR/OR to maximum HR/OR
         - we specify the limits: vector of size 2 with the lower bound and the upper bound
         - “clip_tot”: we display the whole graph
by = 0.5, allows to choose the distance between the different ticks of the x-axis.
print_pval = FALSE TRUE : print the pvalue in the last column

dessin_forest_models(c("mod1", "mod2", "mod3"))

dessin_forest_models(c("mod1", "mod2", "mod3"), 
                     vecnoms=c("Naive", "Ajusted on age", "Ajusted on age and sex"), clip = "clip_tot", print_pval=TRUE)


This document is a work of the statistics team in the Biostatistics and Medical Information Department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris (SBIM).
Developed and updated by Noémie Bigot and Anouk Walter-Petrich;

Based on The R Graph Gallery by Yan Holtz.