Love Plot

Generates a love plot graphically displaying covariate balance before and after adjusting. Options are available for producing publication-ready plots.


We load the packages we will use :

# Libraries

We use the R dataset lalonde from the package cobalt and we estimate the weights :


data <- weightit(
    treat ~ age + educ + married + nodegree + race + re74 + re75,
    data = lalonde, estimand = "ATE", method = "ps"

set.cobalt.options(binary = "std") # Setting the global binary option to "std"

#Head of dataset
knitr::kable(head(lalonde,8), align = "l")
treat age educ race married nodegree re74 re75 re78
1 37 11 black 1 1 0 0 9930.0460
1 22 9 hispan 0 1 0 0 3595.8940
1 30 12 black 0 0 0 0 24909.4500
1 27 11 black 0 1 0 0 7506.1460
1 33 8 black 0 1 0 0 289.7899
1 22 9 black 0 1 0 0 4056.4940
1 23 12 black 0 0 0 0 0.0000
1 32 11 black 0 1 0 0 8472.1580

love.plot function

x, Valid input to a call to (the output of a preprocessing function)
stats, Which statistic(s) should be reported
abs", Whether to present the statistic in absolute value or not", If balance is to be displayed across clusters or imputations rather than within a single cluster or imputation, which summarizing function (“mean”, “max”, or “range”) of the balance statistics should be used
var.order, How to order the variables in the plot
drop.missing, Whether to drop rows for variables for which the statistic has a value of NA
drop.distance, Whether to ignore the distance measure in plotting
thresholds, An optional value to be used as a threshold marker in the plot
line, Whether to display a line connecting the points for each sample
stars, When mean differences are to be displayed, which variable names should have a star next to them (“none”, “std”, “raw”)
grid, Whether gridlines should be shown on the plot
limits, The bounds for the x-axis of the plot
colors, The colors of the points on the plot
shapes, The shapes of the points on the plot
alpha, The transparency of the point
size, The size of the points on the plot
wrap, The number of characters at which to wrap axis labels to the next line
var.names, An optional object providing alternate names for the variables in the plot
title, The title of the plot
sample.names, New names to be given to the samples
labels, Labels to give the plots when multiple stats are requested
position, The position of the legend
themes, An optional list of theme objects to append to each individual plot

Basic love plot

## Warning: No shared levels found between `names(values)` of the manual scale and the
## data's fill values.

Customized love plot

          drop.distance = TRUE, # remove the propensity score
          var.order = "unadjusted", # change the order of the covariates
          abs = TRUE, # absolute mean difference
          line = TRUE, # add lines between points
          thresholds = c(m = .2))  # add a threshold at 0.2
## Warning: No shared levels found between `names(values)` of the manual scale and the
## data's fill values.

Changing variable names, shapes and colors

# Changing variables names
new_names <- c(age = "Age (Years)",
               educ = "Education (Years)",
               married = "Married (Yes/No)",
               nodegree = "Degree Earned (Yes/No)",
               race_white = "Race: White",
               race_black = "Race: Black",
               race_hispan = "Race: Hispanic",
               re74 = "Earnings in 1974 ($)",
               re75 = "Earnings in 1975 ($)"

# New love plot
          drop.distance = TRUE, # remove the propensity score
          var.order = "unadjusted", # change the order of the covariates
          abs = TRUE, # absolute mean difference
          line = TRUE, # add lines between points
          thresholds = c(m = .2),  # add a threshold at 0.2
          var.names = new_names, # change variables names
          colors = c("red", "blue"), # change colors
          shapes = c("triangle filled","circle filled"), # change shapes of points
          size = 4) # change points size
## Warning: No shared levels found between `names(values)` of the manual scale and the
## data's fill values.


This document is a work of the statistics team in the Biostatistics and Medical Information Department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris (SBIM).
Based on The R Graph Gallery by Yan Holtz.