Missing Data

Missing Data can be described in R using the naniar package.

naniar package

The missing data can be checked using functions included in the naniar package (see also packages VIM and mice). There are functions that are useful for structural understanding and summarization of missing values. The following is a list of functions implemented in this package:

Below is an example of applying these functions to airquality data:

# Libraries

# Create data
airquality$Temp[sample(1:nrow(airquality), size=10)] <- NA
airquality$Day[sample(1:nrow(airquality), size=50)] <- NA

Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
41 190 7.4 67 5 1
36 118 8.0 72 5 2
12 149 12.6 74 5 3
18 313 11.5 62 5 4
NA NA 14.3 56 5 5
28 NA 14.9 66 5 NA

# Functions

variable n_miss pct_miss
Day 50 32.679739
Ozone 37 24.183007
Temp 10 6.535948
Solar.R 7 4.575163
Wind 0 0.000000
Month 0 0.000000


case n_miss pct_miss
43 3 50.00000
5 2 33.33333
6 2 33.33333
25 2 33.33333
26 2 33.33333
27 2 33.33333

miss_var_span(airquality, Day, span_every = 25)

span_counter n_miss n_complete prop_miss prop_complete n_in_span
1 7 18 0.2800000 0.7200000 25
2 10 15 0.4000000 0.6000000 25
3 6 19 0.2400000 0.7600000 25
4 12 13 0.4800000 0.5200000 25
5 5 20 0.2000000 0.8000000 25
6 8 17 0.3200000 0.6800000 25
7 2 1 0.6666667 0.3333333 3

vis_miss1 function

Last update date : 08/08/2024

Download vis_miss1.R

This function is an update of vis_miss function that visualizes a dataframe to display missingness. Additional arguments have been added, for example to flip the coordinates (observations in columns rather than rows). The arguments of this function are given below (additional arguments and those of vis_miss). It returns a ggplot of the missingness inside a dataframe, colouring cells according to missingness, where black indicates a missing cell and grey indicates a present cell. As it returns a ggplot object, it is very easy to customize and change labels.

x, a dataframe.
cluster = FALSE, logical. TRUE specifies that you want to use hierarchical clustering (mcquitty method) to arrange rows according to missingness. FALSE specifies that you want to leave it as is. Default value is FALSE.
sort_miss = FALSE, logical. TRUE arranges the columns in order of missingness. Default value is FALSE.
show_perc = TRUE, logical. TRUE now adds in the % of missing/complete data in the whole dataset into the legend. Default value is TRUE.
show_perc_col = TRUE, logical. TRUE adds in the % missing data in a given column into the x axis. Can be disabled with FALSE. Default value is TRUE.
large_data_size = 9e+05, integer default is 900000 (given by nrow(data.frame) * ncol(data.frame)).
warn_large_data = TRUE, logical - warn if there is large data.
flip = FALSE, flip the coordinates if TRUE (observations in columns).
vect.var = NULL, variable names.
vect.names = NULL, variables names we want to display.
varassoc = NULL, “parent” variables that imply nested responses. Put “” if no “parent” variable.
codassoc = NULL, code that would lead to the response of a nested variable. obs = NULL variable name for observations.

Here is an example where optional parameters are used:

# Libraries

# Create data
data <- data.frame(
  ID = as.character(1:150)

len <- sample(1:50, size=50, replace=TRUE)
for(i in 1:50){
  ind <- sample(1:nrow(data), size=len[i])
  data[,paste0("VAR_",i)] <- sample(1:50, size=nrow(data), replace=TRUE)
  data[,paste0("VAR_",i)][ind] <- NA

# Plot
vect_var <- names(data)[-1]
vect_nom <- names(data)[-1]
# VAR_2 if VAR_1=12
var_assoc <- rep("",length(vect_var))
var_assoc[vect_var%in%"VAR_2"] <- "VAR_1"
cod_assoc <- rep("",length(vect_var))
cod_assoc[vect_var%in%"VAR_2"] <- "12"
plot_miss <- vis_miss1(data, sort_miss = FALSE, flip=TRUE, #obs="ID",
                       vect.var = vect_var, vect.names = vect_nom,
                       varassoc = var_assoc, codassoc = cod_assoc)


This document is a work of the statistics team in the Biostatistics and Medical Information Department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris (SBIM).
Based on The R Graph Gallery by Yan Holtz.