Swimmer Plot

To add information to the swimmer plot we can use the swimmer arrows function.
We will here use the swimmer_plot function in the Data & Functions page and the swimmer_arrows() function.


df_arrows, a data frame
id = "id", column name for id
arrow_start = "end", column name with the arrow locations, default is “end”
cont = NULL, a column name including an indicator of which ids have an arrow
adj.y = 0, amount to adjust the line within the box vertically
name_col = NULL, a column name to map the arrow colour
arrow_positions = c(0.1, 1), a vector of the distance from the arrow start to end, default is c(0.1,1)
angle = 30, the angle of the arrow head in degrees
length = 0.1, a unit specifying the length of the arrow head (grom tip to bas in inches)
type = closed, one of “open” or “closed” indicating whether the arrow head should be a closed triangle

# Libraries
swim_plot <- swimmer_plot(df=ClinicalTrial.Arm,id='id',start = 0, end='End_trt',name_fill='Arm',col="black",id_order
            = 'Arm') +
            theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), # Not display id axis

# Add arrows
swim_plot_with_arrows <- swim_plot+
cont = 'Continued_treatment',name_col='Arm',show.legend = FALSE,type =


This document is a work of the statistics team in the Biostatistics and Medical Information Department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris (SBIM).
Based on The R Graph Gallery by Yan Holtz.