Data & Functions
Swimmer Plot


We use the following R datasets: ClinicalTrial.Arm and ClinicalTrial.AE, contained in the swimplot package.
Data should be in the long format (each row is one time point per subject).

ClinicalTrial.Arm ClinicalTrial.AE
id Patient ID id Patient ID
Arm Treatment Arm time Time of an adverse event (AE)
End_trt Time since enrollment to the end of treatment, in months event Type of adverse event (AE)
Continued_treatment Continued treatment past end of follow up Sex Patient Sex
Sex Patient Sex Age Age of patient at trial entry date
Age Age of patient at trial entry date Related Likelihood the treatment is related to the adverse event

#Head of first dataset
knitr::kable(head(ClinicalTrial.Arm,8),align = "l")
id Arm End_trt Continued_treatment Sex Age
1 Arm A 3.26 NA F >=65
2 Arm A 2.00 NA F <65
2 Off Treatment 10.00 NA F <65
2 Arm A 15.45 NA F <65
3 Arm B 5.00 NA F >=65
3 Arm A 14.84 NA F >=65
4 Arm B 3.51 NA F <65
5 Arm B 6.00 NA F >=65
#Head of second dataset
knitr::kable(head(ClinicalTrial.AE,8),align = "l")
id time event Related Sex Age
33 2.20 AE Likely M >=65
14 1.00 SAE Possibly F <65
14 3.67 Death Not Likely F <65
3 14.58 AE Likely F >=65
29 5.44 SAE Possibly M >=65
21 0.50 AE Possibly M >=65
10 5.00 SAE Not Likely F <65
10 6.06 SAE Possibly F <65

Swimmer_plot function

df, a data frame
id = "id", column name for id
end = "end", column name with the bar lengths (or bar end positions if bars change colour)
start = "start", column name with the bar start positions (only required when there are gaps between sections of bars, or bars which do not start at zero)
col, color of the border of the bars
name_fill = NULL, a column name to map the bar fill
name_col = NULL, a column name to map the bar colour
name_alpha = NULL, a column name to map the bar transparency
increasing = TRUE, increasing order (Default is TRUE)
id_order = NULL, order of the bars by id, can input a column name to sort by, or the ids in order
stratify = FALSE, a list of column names to stratify by
base_size = 11, the base size for the plot, default is 11
identifiers = TRUE, binary to specify patient identifiers are included in the y axis (default is TRUE)


This document is a work of the statistics team in the Biostatistics and Medical Information Department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris (SBIM).
Based on The R Graph Gallery by Yan Holtz.