Barplot with error bars

This post describes how to add error bars on your barplot using R. Both ggplot2 and base R solutions are considered. A focus on different types of error bar calculation is made.

The geom_errorbar() function

Error bars give a general idea of how precise a measurement is, or conversely, how far from the reported value the true (error free) value might be. If the value displayed on your barplot is the result of an aggregation (like the mean value of several data points), you may want to display error bars.

To understand how to build it, you first need to understand how to build a basic barplot with R. Then, you just it to add an extra layer using the geom_errorbar() function.

The function takes at least 3 arguments in its aesthetics:

  • ymin and ymax: position of the bottom and the top of the error bar respectively
  • x: position on the X axis

Note: the lower and upper limits of your error bars must be computed before building the chart, and available in a column of the input data.


It is possible to change error bar types thanks to similar function: geom_crossbar(), geom_linerange() and geom_pointrange(). Those functions works basically the same as the most common geom_errorbar().

Standard deviation, Standard error or Confidence Interval?

Three different types of values are commonly used for error bars, sometimes without even specifying which one is used. It is important to understand how they are calculated, since they give very different results (see above). Let’s compute them on a simple vector:


→ Standard Deviation (SD) wiki

It represents the amount of dispersion of the variable. Calculated as the root square of the variance:

sd <- sd(vec)
sd <- sqrt(var(vec))

→ Standard Error (SE) wiki

It is the standard deviation of the vector sampling distribution. Calculated as the SD divided by the square root of the sample size. By construction, SE is smaller than SD. With a very big sample size, SE tends toward 0.

se <- sd(vec) / sqrt(length(vec))

→ Confidence Interval (CI) wiki

This interval is defined so that there is a specified probability that a value lies within it. It is calculated as t * SE. Where t is the value of the Student???s t-distribution for a specific alpha. Its value is often rounded to 1.96 (its value with a big sample size). If the sample size is huge or the distribution not normal, it is better to calculate the CI using the bootstrap method, however.

alpha <- 0.05
t <- qt((1-alpha)/2 + .5, length(vec)-1) # tend to 1.96 if sample size is big enough
CI <- t*se

After this short introduction, here is how to compute these 3 values for each group of your dataset, and use them as error bars on your barplot. As you can see, the differences can greatly influence your conclusions.

Basic R: use the arrows() function

It is doable to add error bars with base R only as well, but requires more work. In any case, everything relies on the arrows() function.


This document is a work of the statistics team in the Biostatistics and Medical Information Department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris (SBIM).
Based on The R Graph Gallery by Yan Holtz.